So word on the street is that he is playing basketball for his school. Maybe he should instead go and play basketball for Team USA... they might need more help than his college.
Either way, I have never seen my little brother play basketball. Apparently he is good at playing basketball. Wouldn't you know I don't even know the name of his school? I am a bad bad sister. Maybe this dedication on a blog he doesn't even read will make up for it.
Geo & I have the same sense of humor. Whenever I am home he is the one that reminds me where I get my sense of humor... Or maybe its the other way around... I taught him a few things he knows.
He introduced me, his older sister to South Park this summer. I have that to thank him for.
I used to make him watch Fantasia & listen to Into the Woods. He has that to thank me for.
We used to make up mundane songs in the car and sing them opera style. We have each other to thank for that.
Good luck Geo-Face.