
Hollywood reaction to Bush proposal allowing illegal immigrants to work in the U.S. for two year stints:
Illegal immigrant falls in love with a legal citizen. Cutesy romance. Audience loves them.
22 months later.
The immigrant has to leave. Parting shots of the immigrant leaving – sad, tearful goodbye, major make out scene.
9 months later:
In the last throws of passion. Legal citizen gets pregnant. Has love child.
Court Scenes:
Legal citizen fights the system to permit her illegal immigrant back to the states to live. They loose the battle - and the legal citizen goes on for five years raising the love child in the rough neighborhoods of San Diego – (so she can be close to her boarder hopping lover.)
San Diego Life:
They meet twice a year, and the audience questions if their love will fade.... The love child has only seen her illegal immigrant father through barbed wires, or in pitch black. Legal Citizen is growing tired of bring fresh veggies and fruit to illegal immigrant. Love is starting to strain...
The Zoo:
one day at the San Diego Zoo - a smart, witty lawyer spots the love child climbing into the dangerous lions den - he swoops the five year old up, and says "where's your mother?!" when all of a sudden from behind a palm tree - the legal citizen appears. Love at first site. The lawyer spends the rest of the day with the love child and the legal citizen - buying them cotton candy, hot dogs, and San Diego Zoo t-shirts. While they are seated at the San Diego Zoo Cafe, the lawyer questions a mysterious heart tattoo on the legal citizen that reads "I heart illegal aliens".
Silent Orchestrated Court Scenes:
The scenes that follow are shots of the dramatic court battle showing smart witty lawyer fighting to get the illegal alien back in the U.S. (they are put to a moving symphonic masterpiece which will be put together by the Disney Philharmonic Orchestra.)
Illegal immigrant is finally granted citizenship. Parting shot of illegal immigrant now turned US citizen squeezing love child.... next: Mysteriousus shot of legal citizen giving intense, longing, loving glance at smart, witty lawyer.........
Fade To Black.