
Last night was the opener for this season's Real World/Road Rules Challenge. Add another line to the list of TV show addictions - this show looks great. Check out the gauntlet Trading Cards! While you are at it, check out Hot Johnny Mosley!
People that I am glad to see on the show:
-Adam from New Orleans. Why we are still obsessed with his virginity is beyond me.
-Nathan from Seattle. I had a crush on Nathan. I wish they would bring back Irene.
-Abe from 2003 Road Rules. I was so pissed when Abe got kicked off the road. This just goes to show that whiny fat kid just how much he was a whiny fat kid.
-Rachel from Real World NYC2. I have so been wondering what ever happened to this girl. Now we can finally see. I wonder if her mom is going to call her on the road. That would be cool.
-Theo from some random Road Rules. I have always been a fan of raw Theo footage. This guy is pure testosterone. The episodes are hinting at him and Elka hooking up - I can't say I am a fan of that yet. I kind of want Theo to be with that blonde girl from Real World Seattle. Or Irene.
People that I could do without seeing again on any MTV shows:
-Coral. She already won last season. No fair.
-Norman from NYC. I don't get the draw.
-Mike from NYC2. I am glad he grew his hair out, but I fear this time around will be the same deal. We are going to watch him get drunk, and stomp around the house shouting about "The Miz". Snore. Seen it before. Miz: People will get pissed at you, and tell you to shut up. Coral will come over and try to defend your actions, then Abe will come over and start hitting on you.