ANYC: 07.03 |
5 questions for a girl named Lauren who lives in L.A.:
1. Why do you live in L.A.? i live in l.a. (west hollywood) because of my career--i am an actress. it's good for work. there's a lot of cool stuff about it, but i wanna move back to new york.--or make enough money to live in both places. 2. What is the name of your favorite bar? my favorite bar is . . .hmm. i have yet to find a bar that i love in l.a. that isn't incredibly "scene-y", but i love a restaurant that has a nice bar called "the little door." in new york, i love a bar called "bar and books" on hudson. 3. What kind of car do you drive? i drive a jetta volkswagen. 4. What do you do in your spare time? in my spare time i take walks, take ballet, read, write, am attempting to learn french, keep in touch with my family as much as i can, hang out with my boyfriend and friends, see movies, listen to music. 5. If you could give L.A. a color - what would that color be? if i could give l.a. a color it would be a pink-tinted brushed silver--sleek and expensive but kinda cheesy.
5 questions for a girl named Mandy who lives in Girdwood, Alaska:
1. why do you live in Girdwood? I work and ski and hike and have good friends all in one little town. It is one of the most inspiring places on earth. 2. what is the name of your favorite store? Its a tie. Ann Taylor and REI 3. What do you do when not skiing? I hang out with my fun husband, read lots of good books, go running, throw pots, and try to cook yummy food. 4. Seen any whales? Not in a long time.... but I hear belugas are on their way to the Turnagain Arm! 5. If you could give Girdwood a color, what would that color be? Definitely green.... for the summer foliage, the people that live in trees (they really do!), the stuff people smoke here, and for my job (Director of Acctg)

[[this is anise: Mandy is the director at Alyeska (the largest ski resort in Alaska.) This picture is something I see everytime I go home. Its an old cabin, outside of Girdwood that was practically swallowed by the earth during the big Alaska Earthquake in the 70's.]]
5 questions for a girl named Becky who lives in Chicago:
1. Why do you live in Chicago? because I was placed here for Teach for america. i'm glad i was, it is a GREAT city. 2. What is the name of your favorite bar? my favorite bar is The Charleston mainly because it is directly across the street from my apartment. They have great live music favorite band that plays there is the Wabsh street Jug Band (which, of course includes a spoons player). they also have fantastic decorations and pool tables. 3. How many times do you go to Lake Michigan? I go to lake Michigan about once a week when the weather is nice, otherwise, maybe once a month. 4. What do you do in your spare time? I take dance classes, take my students on field trips, and go to the best movie theatre in the universe called the musicbox theatre. 5. If you could give Chicago a color, what would that color be? i would give chicago bright green .
Children of the Fodder - Now introducing my little brother, Geoffrey. He is a 17 year old high school senior living in Alaska, that apparently failed out of spelling.
5 questions for a girl named Becky who lives in Liverpool:
1. Why do you live in Liverpool? I was awarded a British Crafts Council grant to be Artist in Residence at Liverpool Hope University. My dad is from the area, so I feel really at home here. The city is great, especially living in South Liverpool, all those Victorian houses. The architecture is definitely one of Liverpool's main attractions. 2. What is the name of your favorite bar? Hard to say, only been here since January, but so far, its Keith's wine bar on Lark Lane. 3. Do you eat chutney? Occasionally, with cheese sandwiches, it's not in my cupboards though. 4. What do you do for fun? Read Paul Auster books, listen to Barry White and Lionel Richie, and the Jackson Five, oh and Stevie Wonder! Get on that camel! 5. If you could give Liverpool a color - what would that color be? Liverpool would probably be purple, because it's the only place in the country that has purple rubbish bins. The council has kind of adopted it as their brand colour. If it was up to me, it would be sage green. I love it that most people have plants on their window sills.
Yowser. This girl would like to let you know what she has consumed today. She should definately stay away from this article.
I like to keep up with the Tour de France. Its one of those things that if no one brings up; I fail to mention. Well, I more so enjoy watching mountain biking on ESPN way more than cycling - but I can never find mountain biking shows out here, so I stick to le Tour. Here is some information about the jersey colors: Yellow Jersey: This guy is the fastest fasty fast you will ever fast. In fact, you eat his bike dust. He is typically white, has a wife & two kids, survived cancer, originates from Texas, and his name usually starts with an L and ends with an E. Polka-Dot Jersey: This guy is a climber. He has boulders for thighs, and originates from Lucern, Switzerland. Never mind if he starts yodeling. He is gay. Green Jersey: Meet the sprinter. After a Mary Decker style sprinting injuring, during a national track meet in 2000, this dude's coach suggested he take up cycling to help repair the damage done to his hamstrings. white jersey - This dude is the youngest. Probably the most pompous too. You might overhear him saying things like "dude - I could have swapped caps with Armstrong on that last hill in Bayonne." or "whatever - I had that guy chewing the leather off my bike seat in Le Tour." or "I'll show oldie what the postal service can deliver. huh huh huh."
I think Tony Hawk and Lance Armstrong should be friends. They are both: 1. tall 2. blonde 3. white 4. giving media family/wholesome vibe 5. get shit load of money for riding wheeled contraptions. 6. are always thanking their sponsors.
However: 1. one wears spandex/one wears pants down to his knees. 2. one does tricks/one is really fast. 3. one has battled cancer 4. one has his own video game 5. one is from Texas/ the other, California 6. 4 wheels/ 2 wheels. 7. One can go to the Olympics/ the other, Venice beach.
I just found this really cool site called It is way convenient for computer sitters who have little else to do but search for what they want to eat for lunch. I entered the first reviews for Bagel and Bean, and my favorite mom and pop owned deli Bagel 54. The reviews are a little shoddy - but I felt sad that both of those tasty joints had nothing to their credit.
**Two hours after this post, I am still fiddling around on Menu pages. It's been entirely too enjoyable entering in all of these reviews for eateries around town. Making up restaurant review titles has been fun too. I have also suggested they add a few restaurants that were not previously listed on the site. Yay. what fun.
Are Busey's teeth real? Every time I try to give "I'm with Busey" a chance, I am scared away by his equine teeth. I imagine that cartoon that was part of School House Rocks!, where the fuzzy, friendly looking brown germ gets on the victims teeth and stays there and the teeth rot away, thus making us kids freaked out by fuzzy hairy germ balls, and wanting to brush our teeth on a regular basis. Busey reminds me of that cartoon sketch.
So I am assuming that the new addition to the craiglist "rants and raves" was created for people who don't really have anywhere else to put their bitching. be careful - it can be amusing, and highly annoying.
My Sunday night activity is the comedy showcase Tinkle. Last night, I was looking forward to Eric Drysdale (who was indeed funny) but was shocked to be blown away by musical guest Ted Leo. I've heard a couple songs from his current album - and didn’t really think twice about the whole thing. However. Seeing him perform the song live with his guitar was something worth making mention of. Current fave song of the moment has switched from Melissa to The High Party from his album Hearts of Oak. announcement: Also! for any of you city slickers out there - the Tinkle Booze cruise is sounding more smashing by the minute. 60 bucks for cruising around in a boat with a bunch of NYC comedians. Every week Dave Cross announces even more guests. I have to get my ticket next Sunday.
I enjoyed reading Beck's red rocks entry. I am driving my brother from NYC to Arizona in August - I want to attend a concert at Red rocks, if at all possible. Oh shit. I just checked the schedule - Radiohead will be there on the 26th. About the drive - Joshua and I were thinking about hitchhiking. But everyone that I have approached with the idea of my bro and I hitching our way west has kind of like shrieked in fear. Everyone except our parents... makes me wonder. Anyway. we are not going to hitch. We are driving through the south. Two dumb white Alaskan kids. Yee Haw.
Here are the lyrics to the song of the week. Love love love it. I played it like uh, 17 times last night while Nana, Nick, Jessica, and I were drinking vanilla vodka with diet root beer on my roof. At one point they started mocking me - and everyone held up their lighters and howled at the sky. I felt honored. Here are the ever so lovely words of the Allman brothers. (I tried to find an MP3 for all you lovers out there, but came home empty handed.)
Melissa (Gregg Allman) Crossroads, seem to come and go, yeah. The gypsy flies from coast to coast, Knowing many, loving none, Bearing sorrow, having fun. But, back home he'll always run, To sweet Melissa. Mmmm-hmmm. Freight train, each car looks the same, all the same. And no one knows the gypsy's name, And no one hears his lonely sighs, There are no blankets where he lies. Lord, in his deepest dreams the gypsy flies, With sweet Melissa. Mmmm-hmmm. Again, the mornin's come. Again, he's on the run. A sunbeam's shinin through his hair. Fear not to have a care. Well, pick up your gear and gypsy roll on. Roll on. Crossroads, will you ever let him go? Lord, Lord. Or will you hide the dead man's ghost? Or will he lie, beneath the clay? Or will his spirit float away? But, I know that he won't stay, Without Melissa. Yes, I know that he won't stay, yeah, Without Melissa. Lord, Lord, it's all the same. Mmmmm-hmmmmm.
This magazine is all about things people have found. If you have found any random notes, cards, pictures - send it to the address listed on the website. I think the magazine is a novel idea.
I know this girl named Melissa. She is currently hiking the Appalachian trail. Two days before she was set to leave on her 6 month adventure, there was a snow storm. During the snow storm, while grocery shopping, she noticed a man wearing gaiters, and approached him in excitement saying "hey! you are wearing gaiters!". Turned out that he was so surprised that she knew what gaiters were, that he asked her out. They went out, and she shared with him her Appalachian Trail hiking plans. He shared with her his love for ice climbing and things about his career as a French chef. She gave him a schedule of when she would be at each post office (on the trail, they call it a "drop") to receive packages. Turns out that over the past three months, the man has been sending gourmet food packages to every drop. The packaged content has included s'mores with rich dark chocolate, baked packaged salmon, rich breads, and a blank card, addressed/stamped envelope, and a disposable pen. When I asked her what she wrote back to the man - she said "well, I would just scribble a quick thank you because I was so strapped for time and tired." Right. Okay. so basically what she is saying is that she took 6 months out of her life to go on a hike where she is strapped for time, and constantly tired? I have a hunch that something else was going on. I was looking at her pictures from the trip (she stopped in NYC for a couple days last month) and noticed that 3/4 of the images were of a strange boy. A boy that she kept name dropping with a blush. So I have concluded that she has met this amazing hiker dude on the trail. They are both hiking together, and are totally pigging out on French chef's food. Ha. What a sucker.
My little brother Geo and I used to be obsessed with the WB cartoons Animaniacs and Freakazoid. My favorite part of Animaniacs was the Wheel of Morality. Geo's fave part, was Pinky and the Brain. On family trips to the store (we all used to go shopping together to pass time), or to other relatives houses we would stand around like nerds quoting material from Animaniacs and Freakazoid. Ah, the memory. After I left home I would mail Geo the latest Animaniacs CD's or ask him to tape the shows so I could catch up during my visits home. Okay. So the point of my post is that I want to give a shout out to the writer/composer who is now deceased - Richard Stone. What a genius. As far as feeling sad goes when Famous people die, I think I felt the most sad when I heard he had died. I guess in order it would have gone: 1. Richard Stone 2. Jim Henson 3. Princess Diana Okay. So here is an excerpt of his great lyrics teaching kids that there are bad preservatives in some foods: (Wakko was an idiot. What was soo cool about that is they gave him a British accent. ha! Who in Hollywood does that??) Wakko: (spoken) Hey! Let's get some ice cream! Dot : How 'bout this one? Pistachio Almond Fruit Fudge Butterscotch Delight. Yakko : Ingredients: Zinc trisodium, aspartate, Sorbitol and bisulfate, Oxide beta carotene, Lactic acid, carob bean. (music begins) Yakko : Grade A milk emulsified Malto-dextrin alkalide Silicon deoxylite Lots of sugar... W+D : Hey, all right! Yakko : Calcified synthetic salt Artificial barley malt Glycerine and aspartate Folic acid... Wakko : That tastes great! YW+D : Monosodium glutamate Dehydrated calceinate Soybean oil, butter fat Caramel center... Wakko : I'll eat that! YW+D : Hooray for sugar, 'cause we love it. Chocolate chips- we want more of it. Cakes and ice cream; watch us shove it. Down our throats real fast! Yakko : Here's a candy bar, you tried it? Wakko : Hey, let's all see what's inside it. Yakko : Gelatinized triglycerin Phosphate, soybean, lecithin Deoxylite tri-silicon Dipped in chocolate... W+D : Bring it on! Yakko : Citrus enzymes, BHT Powdered milk, Dot : Sounds good to me! Yakko : Baking soda, carob gum Carbohydrates, W+D : Yummy yum! YW+D : Monosodium glutamate Zinc disodium algenate, Whole grain flour, yeast and fat Wakko : Time to eat it. I'll do that! YW+D : We like sweets a lot. But they make your insides rot. So remember! It's your body, and the only one you've got!
Today is the 14th of the 7th month. I am stupidstitious about the number 14, as it is continuously prevalent in my life. Here is a rough list of the role 14 has played in my life: - born on the 14th. of 77. (7+7=14) - grew up at 714 Maple drive. - locker number senior year: 14 - swim team number: 14 - choir robe number: 14 - lost "it" on the 14th. - first zip code in manhattan: 10014 - current zip code: 10028 (14+14) - zip code in college added up to 14. 10580 - first time I lived alone my apt. # was 14 - currently live on 14th st. - social security number has a 14 and a 41. - GPA: 1.4. just kidding. - I am 5'9" (5+9=14) - I have 14 kids.
One year ago I was a housekeeper in East Hampton. During the month of July I was living at the house basically house sitting and getting things ready for the busy month of August. I was just laughing to myself about my schedule during the month of July. It looked a little like this: - 7:00 wake up. walk/run on beach. yawn. - make fresh coffee/breakfast. I never really drank coffee until I went to East Hampton. Thanks to Barefoot Contessa. - read papers, watch morning news - email friends. - get some house things taken care of. check things. chat with gardeners. - lay by pool/beach. - bike/drive into town and have lunch. run errands. - email friends. - around 5, robin the 7 yr. old came home from camp. one duty for the month of July was to teach her how to read. so for an hour, we worked on reading. - made dinner, or went to various beach shacks for dinners. - walk on beach. - email friends. - watch t.v. last summer I was addicted to IFC, and MTV2. - 12:00am fall asleep.
I was riding the bus home the other day. A blind man got on the bus with his seeing eye dog, and his nurse assistant. After like 10 blocks, the blind man started bossing the woman around. Her response to him was submissive and obedient. Just like the dog. I watched in shock. This was the first time I had seen an angry jackass blind man. As far as I was concerned, blind people have always been nice, intelligent, and for the most part, creative people. Basically, I have never met a blind person that I didn’t like. Here is an expercience that i have about being blind. It was my first year of college, in Idaho. I volunteered to read for the blind at the local radio station, KRICK. I was given a choice of reading either daily headlines, and obituaries. I chose obituaries. I was placed in a studio room all by myself and read to my audience for a half hour every Tuesday night at 8pm. As I read, I imagined all of these floating sets of ears just hovering in space, absorbing information. Other times I would imagine my audience, old, and blind, wearing brown cords, or polyester floral house dresses, sitting alone by their old brown radios, listening to who had died, while periodically smiling and rubbing their hands together when they recognized a name. I had to wear headphones, making it possible for me to hear my voice for the first time. I remember finding to so soothing that at certain points I would yawn, and say to my audience - "oh. excuse me. big day at school. Anyway - George Clay of Idaho Falls died in his sleep on Wednesday. During his youth George enjoyed...." As so on. One night, as I was reading I came across the obituary of a baby. I was startled at first when I read what the parents had written about the short life they had shared with the newborn. I started to get upset, and stopped reading. As I sat there in silence, I realized that not being able to see or hear my audience was starting to upset me - I wanted to share the sadness I felt for the parents, but was in turn alone in that recording room. It occurred to me that this is what it must feel like to be blind. I just kind of dazed out, staring at the tape reel. Anyway. The woman in charge finally knocked on the door because I think this went on for like 5 minutes. She asked me if everything was going to be okay. I said "yeah" and eventually picked up the paper and started reading again. I never received any kind of response from the listeners, but I remember leaving and feeling this connection with all of those floating ears. I felt like I knew what it was like to be blind, and knowing this felt invincible. That’s all I have to say about blind people.
Today I was the subject of some family feistiness. Some cousins want me to join the msn family chat room. One cousin named Dorie stated on the family website: "well if that little shit (that would be me) is on her website all day, don’t you think she could drop by and type a quick hello??" Well Dorie, that would make sense, but I am at work, and I just don’t feel like filling out all of those msn forms. I am a yahoo girl. So I sent an email to my other cousin Wendy Jo (Dories sister) to defend myself, and we started catching up on life. I was surprised to discover that Wendy Jo is into Motorcycles. That sounds like fun to me - so I sent Wendy Jo some questions and she was quick to answer! *I was trying all day to link these really cool biking pictures, but all of them are on the family site. I can link pictures once I have a real server. Sorry readers.
Anise: What do you like about motorcycles? Wendy Jo: I love to go fast, smell the air and the power below me. A: What's your favorite kind of motorcycle? WJ: Harley Road King and Sportsters A: Have you ever fallen off? WJ: NOPE A: What's your favorite color? WJ: Turquoise and Black A: Do you watch the show Jackass? WJ: Yes I have on occasion and loved the movie - favorite part (one of them) was when they dressed up as old people. A:do you drink (alcohol)? WJ: on occasion A: ever ridden drunk? WJ: nope A: do you wear gloves? WJ: not very often, my hands are very claustrophobic. A: what? how can your hands be claustrophobic, like do you start sweating, or is it just your hands? do you start vomiting? what's going on here. WJ: It's weird but I can't function, I just don't have enough feeling so I just feel like they can't "breathe" I'm like that with socks too, and when I sleep I like to have my feet out of the covers. See - you aren't the only weird one in the family! A: thanks, tho something tells me that I already knew that... do you like driving, or holding on? WJ: both. right now I hold on until I get my own motorcycle. A: I just read the comment from Dorie referring to me as a "little shit." do you agree with this statement? WJ: in Dorie's book everyone is a "little shit" it's just her way. A: Gotcha. Where do you work/live? WJ: I live in Springfield, Oregon and work in Eugene, Oregon. A: Doing what? WJ: I work for an attorney and as a bookkeeper A: what did you eat for lunch today? WJ: Bag of popcorn A: Wendy Jo - you need to eat more for lunch. How far are the motorcycle race yards from your house? WJ: Not sure, we don't race, we drive for distance. A: You told me you are going to Sturgis - where is that, and what is the attraction?? WJ: Sturgis is a Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota. Over 1 million people expected are this year. A: What exactly do you do at a rally? meet people? revv engines? WJ: We are going for the concerts - and will be staying at the buffalo chip campground. 3 Doors Down, Steppenwolf, Tesla and a few others will be playing. The purpose of our motorcycle group is to hit as many states as we can - our patch is our logo. We get a bead at every state we enter. We will stay at Sturgis for about 3 days then take our time going back as we are in a rush to get home. A: Did you know my mom was into motorcycles when we lived in Minnesota? WJ: I think everyone's mom was into motorcycles at one time or another. A: Really!?! Was your mom into bikes? I wonder when I will be into bikes? hmmm. Maybe it's because you get to wear leather. WJ: Yes, you get to wear leather. I have a leather vest with our club logo. I have leather chaps, jacket, boots - got it all! And, my mom's second husband rode motorcycles and mom was into Harleys. You aren't a mom yet, maybe you're time hasn't come :-) A: Something to consider, that’s for sure. Say, do you have any pets? WJ: Just my pet betta "Freddy" A: I used to have a beta fish. We called her "Maggie Jo, short for Margret." Turned white one day after I changed her tank water. Anyway. I like asking top threes: name your top three of the following: 1. cheese - WJ: string cheese, swiss and mild cheddar A: dog names - WJ: Rover, Huc, Chamois A: alcohols - WJ: Rum, MGD, Rum A: pick one: sandals or flip flops - WJ: Flip Flops A: rocking chair or porch swing - WJ: porch swing A: rip or tear - WJ: TEAR A: Totally cool Wendy Jo. Do you have any parting quotes, or words of advice for the homeys out there?? WJ: “No matter how hard you try your in box will always be full - so RELAX” – Wendy Jo. 2003
This is the first verse and chorus of my new favorite song from my new favorite band My Morning Jacket. Bermuda Highway (click the title to hear it ;) sometimes I walk around town looking at faces wonderin why their bodies go to silly places. Walkin past the carpet mills looking in and takin stills, your ass it draws me in like a Bermuda highway. Oh, don't carve me out! Don't let your silly dreams, fall in between the crack of the bed and the wall. ah ah ah ah ah. (guitar) more ah's
 I sat by Jim James once at a show. Look how cute he is.
Around 3am on the 4th of July, I assigned everyone their beds, and left my barbeque to go hang out with some college friends. I was really in that "feeling great" drunk phase. Before I met up with them I was dancing/yelling on my porch to the Beatles, as my guests were passing out - so basically I was on fire, and should not have been driving. Once I was in Port Chester, Amber, Jeremy, Dan and I walked around the back streets. Dan and Jeremy set off bottle rockets. I have never experienced a crazier soundtrack to a walk. I couldn’t stop myself from exclaiming "this walk has the best soundtrack I have ever experienced!" and we all kept walking. Port Chester was silent, we were silent. All you could hear was our breathing and footsteps. Dan would light a rocket: 'click, fizz, burr, POP!' no one would say anything and continue walking. We stopped by a harbor. The soundtrack changed to: 'click, splash, blubble, muffled SNAP!' I then started back to the studio, leaving them behind, thus changing the soundtrack to random 'POP'S' getting more silent with each step away. It was one of those moments that I will be happy to look back on (see previous post about our lives being taped) or would like to recreate in a real film. the end.
As people walk by me on the street, I like to make up conversations in my head of what they are saying to themselves, or what they act like at home. I enjoy doing that. Imagining strangers on the street at home cooking dinner for the family, or standing around hanging out with the kids or their roommates. The only group of people that I have a hard time figuring out what they are saying to themselves would be the single 40/50 year old male. It’s a group I never think about, and picture them constantly raising their eye brows and saying "oh well". I know its not like that, but its really one group that makes my imagination freeze.
I also enjoy seeing people say good bye to each other. Like if they just finished lunch, and they are two people that don't really see each other. Its fun to hear them be all "yeah, keep in touch. it was great seeing you." I used to live in a fratty area - 33rd and 3rd. okay. Upper east side prep school. The residents have just graduated college, they have the big office job, and they are messing around. Dude. Saturday morning/afternoon in that neighborhood was "The Walk of Shame" morning. Everywhere you turned, half drunk/trying to be sober couples are walking each other to their respective trains and saying "yeah, sure I'll see yah.?." so that was always fun to watch. The best Walk of Shame: (one that everyone must experience at least once) the couple had parted, he caught the subway. as the girl was walking away, this huge smile overtook her face, and she kicked the wind, started hysterically laughing, raised her hands over her head and shouted "YAY!!" that was cool. Like a herbal essence moment.
Yesterday on the bus home from work, I noticed a book stuck in between the seats. The book is Wyatt Tee Walker "The Harlem Preacher... The Renaissance Man" so, I opened the cover, and noticed that the book belonged to Brenda Smith of 115th street. How random is that. I found a book where someone had printed their "please return" address inside. So, I am going to mail the book back Brenda. Actually, the more I thought about it - I think the book may be propaganda, to spread the word of Reverend Walker. Who knows - it kind of worked. I didn't really want to touch the book for fear of the whole germ thing - so its not like I gained any insight into Rev. Walkers life - but at least his name made it onto my website. right? Nice goin' Brenda.
Last night I went to dinner with KRock and her friend Laura. Well, I showed up really late - being distracted by H&M, and SoHo - making me miss dinner - so I was fine with a glass of wine, and some bread. After the huge feast, we went to a little rice pudding café called Rice to Riches. The place is so trendy you could scream (in horror). It's shaped like a grain o' rice, and everything has that orange/neo glow. So we were standing around eating vanilla & cinnamon rice pudding when I mentioned that the placed looked so "sex in the city." then we started talking about last Sunday's episode. Okay - did any of ya'll catch last Sunday's episode? Anyone catch the sequence of scenes with the waiter from Raw, and Samantha?? You know, the one where her legs were flipped over her head, he was sitting on her ass. If anyone has ever done that, please write me immediately. I have never even seen that in "books." I mean, the creative sex position team at HBO really threw us for a loop. Basically, we are all wondering if that is actually possible, and if its um, worth it... I think this may be an inquiry for Jamie at Time Out New York.
Yesterday I paid $115 dollars to take the GRE test on September 13th. I am excited about having something to study for, and also feel like I am actually doing something productive with my life. The only bummer is feeling that old guilt of procrastination. I haven’t really felt that in a while, and am worried that this pit in my stomach will be there until September 13th. Last night, for example, instead of going home and hitting the GRE book, I went tanning, and made plans to see Charlies Angels. After those plans didn’t pan out, I figured it was already too late in the evening to get started, so I watched all 4 episodes of this season's Project Greenlight, then went to sleep. lame-o. at the time it made sense, but then I woke up with this "o shit, one day down the drain" feeling. So - that is something I will need to work on. I am still in love with HBO direct. Thanks to that, I am now addicted to project greenlight. I was never into the first season, because I felt so embarrassed for that guy making the movie. It was an uncomfortable show to watch. For any of you that are following this season - here are my two cents: 1. I thought it was funny when that one D&D dude was interviewing, and JLo walked down the stairs and he was like "uh, sorry - I am a little distracted by Jennifer Lopez" and Ben of course just smirks. 2. In fact any time Jennifer Lopez made it into the shot, or was name dropped - the camera would go back to Ben's face, and he would be smirking... 3. I definitely do not think they should have picked that directing team. duh. I pick the blond dude. 4. I am not so sure they should have chosen that story either. seems to American beauty to me. It would have been fun to see what that blonde dude could have done with the stripper movie. 5. I like that Chris Moore guy. Chris seems like the type that will search his name on the internet - so; Hey Chris Moore - ask me out. simple as that. Thanks. Alright that’s all I have to say about project greenlight. I have like four stories that I am working on right now, but they have no endings. Plus, I have to study - so my posting might not be as frequent as it should be. Shame on me.