Robin and I walked the dog in Central Park every Thursday. After walking Kenai, we always ate dinner at the local sushi joint and shared a fried banana with green tea ice cream. I have to say it was a little hard to hold back a special tear that I have in my dog-loving heart. Thursdays will never be the same again. booooo.
So here are pics from our last walk with the sweetest dog I ever knew. The dog that I met through a job interview that is named after my hometown in AK - Kenai.

This is Robin attempting to put a hat on Kenai. You can tell in Kenai's face what she thinks of us trying to take a picture of her in a hat. Basically she thinks we are nuts.
She's a smart dog.
(But R & I aren't half as nuts as these people that had a bar-mitzvah for their dog...)

Here we have Kenai & Robin waiting outside a local pizza joint. Both R & I thought it would be special to feed K some New York City pizza so as not to forget us, or NYC pizza. So there they are waiting.

Here, we have The Little Miss giving Poochy-Face a treat. I think this composition is pleasing. We are in Central Park around West 94th street.

Again, we like giving this dog treats. Maybe thats why she likes us so much.

Are you feeling the love yet? Hope so. This dog was a good dog. I mean, seriously. We were blessed to have her to walk.
Thanks again T & L & S. You rock. Have fun in Raleigh.