(While trimming the tree of course.)
This weekend was extra special. I ran from my office to Grand Central. Right when I got to the house, I said "where's the candy!" and we all chowed down. (proof below:)

Then we went screaming into the backyard and jumped on the trampoline for about 15 minutes. Hooting & hollering forced some neighbors to turn their lights on & peer out the windows... I think we were chanting something like "WE'RE GONNA ROCK!" Something really stupid like that.
Background: Dawn & I have been known to hijack the kids and teach them campfire songs while circling Manursing Island in a canoe.
Here's Dawn. She's fantastic, and can spend money like it grows on trees.

Here is a picture of the boys & I getting the tree. I didn't want to waste any time strapping the dang thing to the top, so we stuffed it inside!

Here is a picture of Reid getting all liquored up. Just kidding. We made spritzer lemonades with frozen strawberries and had a weekend toast. No children were harmed in the process.

And thats all folks! The weekend was a success. Tree is up. Wreaths have been hung. And we even trimmed a Charlie Brown tree for the kitchen table. Not too shabby if you ask me.