
On Sunday morning, I went to the hospital because I stepped on a nail.
I've never been to an NYC hospital, (that’s 8 years people) and was naturally nervous.
I called Doug, to ask him if going to the hospital for a nail puncture was the right thing – because, you know people are dying in NYC emergency rooms. He told me to go, and suggested I check out this quiet hospital that “no one ever thinks to go to when they are dying.” It was the hospital across from Gracie Mansion.
So I went. Doug was totally right about the hospital. My nail puncture was the top item of business, from the minute I walked in. They checked my vitals, asked me questions, and joked around. It was the emergency room experience that I hope all future ER experiences emulate. So – mad props to New York Presbyterian Hospital.

Two thoughts before I go.
1. On my way there - I was standing on the street – waiting for the bus – in pain. After about 5 minutes of waiting – I looked at all the taxis passing me and said “oh, I guess people don’t take the city buses to the emergency room?” Thinking that was most likely a negative – I splurged on a taxi.

2. When it was all over, I asked the nurse –
“So what would have happened if I didn’t get the tetanus shot?”
“Well you might have gotten tetanus and died.”
That got me thinking about someone else who has suffered a little bit of nail trauma. Jesus.
It got me thinking that maybe this whole crucifixion business has been blown out of proportion. Maybe, just maybe, (since there were no shots or anything like that back then) Jesus died immediately of tetanus?