
There are certain albums for certain times. Now is the time to revisit Air - Moon Safari. The track "All I Need" simply put - hits that chord that runs up your spine.

Kelly Watch The Stars -

So anyway I have been not so interested in sharing my goings and doings and leavings and sayings with eyeballs that read computer screens. So I haven't really written all too much - or I get all schitzo and write, and then make it disappear like magic. Easily put - I am feeling quiet.

Yesterday a wonderful thing happened to me directly. I would like to say to the "wonderful giver gods" that I am grateful. Sometimes people are given second chances, watched out for, nourished, washed, etc. for no good reason except humanity. People its true. We really all do have some kind of 'thing' looking out for us. We do.

Yet here I write.

I got an email yesterday from a girl who said she went out and bought Antics because of what I wrote about the album. I don't remember what I wrote but I thought to myself "huh - the reason I listen to track 6 is because of what someone else wrote."

As far as current music goes - I have been listening to a lot of Arcade Fire. I walked in the pouring rain on a Friday night from Virgin to Other Music just to buy the dang thing. So it’s great that I like the album. It got me off the Antics kick. Funeral is the name of the album because while they were recording, family members kept dying... Its the only band that I have actually attempted to get ticket too this year. I didn't get tickets, and am now a little saddened that this might possibly be the first fall that I don't go to a show. Anyway the album is perfect for changing leaves and riding city buses. It's also perfect to have playing while your pipes smell of new warm heat while watching mute tv & playing solitaire.

Dan the Automator - A Much Better Tommorrow - King of NY, is great to have on while painting. And its great to have on while you are getting dressed. It will really set the mood and make you ready for the street.

Not that you are a hooker or anything - but I assume you want to rock out. Specially in NYC baby.

Current short-film script I am thinking about:
Basically it involves a crippled woman who can't really walk. She is one of those cripples that have short tiny legs, and shuffles around with a walker. She is quiet, and top heavy.
The film would be her getting ready for a daily walk.
Very slow, very quiet.
No music.
Show her hoisting herself out of bed.
Crawling around her apartment.
Toasting Bread.
Natural light - no yellow or blue lighting.
She has a white sheet tacked over her one window.
She is 57 and slightly hunchback.
Hair is a nasty gray.
She lives on 12th street between 5 and 6.
She sits on her bed, buttons shirt buttons, slides into small black stretch pants.
She gathers her walker, leaves the apartment and inches toward the elevator button.
The elevator delivers her to a lobby.
There is no doorman. She inches her way onto the street.
She does not take one step in any direction on the sidewalk, and heads straight into traffic.
Looking straight ahead.
She is not hit by a car - cars swerve this way and that.
She makes it to the other side
And then we see her inch towards a deli to buy more toast, buy more corn, and buy more jam.
Next morning. Same thing.
After watching this about 3 times, it is made clear that she is trying to get hit by a car.
So the anticipation builds with every day.
Then one day she is hit by a car and is killed.
Then the film would fade to black.
The film would be called HOPE.

Well that’s all I have to say today. I am excited about my "English Visitor". I am going to make a point of calling her my "English Visitor" all weekend, because while I was visiting her one year ago in Liverpool, she would always call me her "Amerercan Friend". So as a way to really stick it to her - I will be calling her my "English Visitor".