After saying goodbye to Jem, I tried to get an icey - but the lady running the stand tried to jip the woman ahead of me out of ten dollars – so I thought maybe I could live without an icey at that moment. I looked around and thought “Orchard Beach is really cool.” I couldn’t hear any cars, I couldn’t see any buildings! It felt like a different day. I walked along the water, watched a dad teach his daughter how to skip rocks, and took note of cool biking & hiking trails.
After I had enough beach, I boarded the bus and headed back to the end of the 6 line. I had some amazing Italian food at a nice Mob operated place by the train. I love those Italian places that are so apparently mob-run. It makes me feel protected. Not to mention the waiters were beefcakes.
So that was my adventure. The end of the 6 line.