Every BBQ needs ribs. Big Miles is responsible for this mess. Anyway, Big M is a stellar cook, and a hell of a good griller. Here are some of the ribs, knifes, and his hands covered in the barbeque sauce that he invented.

Meet Brigid and Little Miles. Brigid is the next door neighbor, and best friend of Little Miles. Here they are having a lime eating contest.

This is the accapella group named SPANK. Big Miles loves them (he is center on the left). Once, he heard them performing on the streets of NYC on his lunch break, and has been a fan ever since. This is the 3rd year that SPANK has performed at the BBQ.
Side Note: Once, I was out at my fave bar "The Kettle". I met this cool guy - Ari. We left the Kettle, and were walking around the village, when all of a sudden I saw SPANK performing on Bleecker St. So Ari & I walked up to SPANK, and in between songs I yelled "Hey! Do you guys know Big Miles???" to which they reply "YEAH, THE GUY WITH THE RIBS, RIGHT??" and I was like "yeah!!" at that moment I was like the coolest girl on the planet. Then of course they started serenading us. So that was cool. Ari didn't last - but SPANK remembered me when they saw me on Saturday.

This is Reid, receiving transmission from the watermelon gods.