
I actually started giggling with excitement during the opening shots/credits of The Ladykillers. I felt like the pimply nerd with greasy hair named John Schroeder at a Star Wars premiere. Unfortunately the movie didn’t keep that level of enthusiasm – but the opening credits were enough to spark.
They were the kinds of shots that take about an hour to set up - yet they are so simple. More than point and shoot – still life images of a trash heap, a station, and house – simple and pristine. But dare I say mundane? The work of the Coen Brothers speaks for itself; however in my mentioning these shots I hope you too will notice the quality and effort that had to go into making them KICK ASS.
I attempted to recreate a couple still life images of the world that are still, and dead, but serve a life purpose. They didn’t really turn out the way the Coen Bro’s did (shocker) but I have to start somewhere.

This picture is similar to the colors used - but nothing like the Coen Bro's opening shots. It is a shot from my Sunday morning "End of the Line" trip on the B train to Coney Island.