1. Todd signing Frank Sinatra at a piano bar.
2. Jeff being able to see some Giants players at the Back Page. He is into Fantasy Football - so it made me happy that on his last night here he got the chance to watch Monday night football with real Giants.
3. Dancing on Friday & being entertained by Stuart or "Stu" as Todd was calling him all night. Having red state/blue state conversations over pizza at 4am. "Nothing like our night out with Stu!" - T.J.
4. Making everyone buy and apple and eat it in Union Square. ahah.
5. Getting ready for our day with Dean Martin & Todd singing in the background.
6. Making everyone watch Spellbound and then having to put the dang thing on pause like 8 times because we were talking to each other so much and laughing and being hyper. We ended up just shutting the movie off and looking at scrapbooks and reading old letters from Monique in high school. "Dear Anise, Why are people so strange?"
7. Moe's story about Paula Radcliff, and then SEEING her at the Letterman.
8. During our last night out - we were eating dinner at Panorama Cafe. Todd pointed toward the window and said "would you look at that!" It was the Rockefeller Christmas tree on a flatbed truck being trucked to Rockefeller center!!! What luck!
9. Seeing Moe on 1st avenue in the marathon and just going crazy. It was the best.
10. Riding the train in the morning to the Verrazano Bridge and meeting another runner who helped us with questions we had. We were so excited all day about the silly race - that I literally got the "chills" about once an hour. There is something about being in support of an activity that is ultimately "good" like supporting health and such.
11. The fitness expo at the Javitz center was really fun - Randi Marie and I got free samples, and everyone got excited about the possibility of going to Paris in April.
12. Playing tour guide - its one of my favorite things.
13. The pasta dinner the night before the race. Tony's was great. SO MUCH FOOD. ahhh.
14. Chinatown on Friday night was fun. A time when we all just kind of chatted about the day & ate great food together.
15. Monique asking David Letterman: "Oprah ran the Chicago Marathon, do you have any plans on running the New York Marathon?"