For a total of 4 bucks and a plane ticket to Texas, you can check out the new Texas Prison Museum in Huntsville, TX.
excerpt from NY Times:
>>Asked how he had reacted to executions, he paused. "I don't know the right word to use," he said. "The first time was just, well, awesome, but not in a good way. They got easier as they went along, but they never got easy."<<
This picture of Texas has always reminded me of the road Tom Hanks drove to return the Fed Ex box in Cast Away.

Well my favorite band of 2003 - Queens of the Stone Age has released a new one this week. The album is called The Desert Sessions, and features my fave female - Polly Jean Harvey.
Here is a picture of Mark. He is equally obessed with Queens, and looks a little like Josh Homme.

Dear Miss Modern Age & the people that make up the reason why you always refer to yourself as "we." :
When I saw your site yesterday, my first reaction was "what?! o god, how retarded." Also, not putting a link to take the readers to the archives? Yawn. You had a great site. Try not to get caught up in the "Its Just Not Cool to be Appreciated and Recognized" movement. Just do your thing. Obviously people enjoyed your thing, and there is nothing wrong with that. How upsetting and borderline annoying.
Confused reader with a furrowed brow,
This is pretty fun. Incredible to realize that aside from midtown, things have not really changed since 1935.
Forget Madison Square Garden, The Merce Cunningham Dance Company will be dancing to Radiohead and Sigur Ros – live of course, and of course the tickets are sold out. The piece they will be performing is called Split Sides, the venue is the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
Other than being filmed in the PATH Station, "The Hardest Button to Button" video does not really make me satisfied. I think that they should have filmed it in a house in the midwest showing a couple fighting, trying to button the hardest button.